Frequently Asked Questions

Specialist vascular ultrasound services on Sydney's North Shore

Harbour Vascular Laboratory is an accredited provider of vascular ultrasound. Our laboratory is staffed by experienced and dedicated accredited vascular sonographers and state of the art equipment to ensure quality of service. We provide all patients easy access to a specialist vascular ultrasound service by BULK BILLING all of our ultrasound scans ensuring no out of pocket expense.

What is ultrasound?

Ultrasound is a safe and non-invasive way for us to see what is happening inside your body. There are no x-rays or magnetic fields involved. At Harbour Vascular Laboratory our specialist vascular sonographers (the person who performs the scan) use the ultrasound machine to get a look inside your arteries and veins. This allows us to determine if there are any blockages or other problems that may be contributing to your symptoms.

What preparation is required for my ultrasound scan?

Most of the time the only preparation required is to find out where to come for your scan! Sometimes you will be asked to fast (no food or drinks, water and medication are ok) for a period prior to your scan. This is typically for any ultrasound scan that will be focusing on your abdomen. Eating and drinking can result in bowel gas which makes ultrasound imaging much more difficult.

Who will be doing my ultrasound scan?

At Harbour Vascular we have specialist vascular sonographers with many years of experience. Matt or Kathie will perform your scan and will do a provisional report for the referring doctor.

How do I get my results?

After the scan is finished and the provisional report is completed by your sonographer, Dr Theivendran will then double check everything and your report will be sent out to your referrer the next morning.

If you are seeing Dr Theivendran on the same day then he will give you the results during your consult. If you aren’t seeing Dr Theivendran straight after your scan but the sonographer has found something significant then we will send out a provisional report to your referring doctor straight away. Dr Theivendran will also be contacted to let him know, if he has any concerns then he will contact your or your referring doctor on the same day to discuss the best course of action.

For appointments and enquiries:

Monday - Friday: 8:00am to 4:30pm
Fax: (02) 9182 7533

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